I got some amazingly good news about my novel: The Sun will be publishing an excerpt. (No details on when yet.)
This is a much-needed shot in the arm. It's a book -- called Believers -- that I've been working on for a long time (I won't go into the details; perhaps another post), and the past year I've been wrestling (unsuccessfully) with the structure.
Right before I got The Sun acceptance, I finally had a breakthrough. I finally figured some shit out. And I've made more progress in the past few months than I have in the past few years. (Additionally, I've sworn off working on short stories and flash pieces.)
So there's that, which is nice.
And also, more recently, there's this: a very small excerpt from Believers is now up at Wigleaf. It's called "The One You Don't Pick."
Congrats, Andrew. Exciting news!
Thanks, Ravi!
Fantastic, congratulations.
Thank you, Gunter!
Nice! I'll look forward to the read.
Hey, thanks, Jason.
Sorry to arrive late to the party, Andy. Congratulations and well done. Celebrate it all!
Thanks so much, Ethel!
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